“Opportunity comes to everyone. Some people accept it, some do not. Only those who do, find fulfillment in life. Whether you accept opportunity is not a matter of chance, but of choice. When opportunity comes, choose to accept, for it is on the wings of opportunity that your desire will be carried toward success.”
I train individuals, both boys and girls, who are interested in becoming basketball players. Numerous things go into becoming great at the game of basketball. There are NO elevators that with take you to PEAK PERFORMANCE, you must take the stairs.
I have trained basketball players at every level which includes beginner, intermediate and advanced. I have vast experience at training beginners, elementary, junior high, high school, college and pro players (NBA and European pros). My training is extremely focused, intensive training that is essential for improvement. Every individual’s improvement starts with self image, realistic goal setting, work ethic, proper technique and repetition of fundamentals. THE MENTAL IS TO THE PHYSICAL AS 4 IS TO 1.
I offer individual or group sessions. Before training begins, I will meet with the player so I may assess the individual’s skill level. Once we have the assessment of skill, we develop an action plan and specific goals that we can agree on. Every participant has to agree on a minimum of six training sessions to insure maximum learning and improvement. My specific training of fundamentals can be seen below.
The facility that will be used for training will be determined by Coach White and the parents. I have a number of facilities that are available to me. Parents are welcome to drop off or stay and watch the training sessions. Parents will NEVER participate in training. I teach the same way whether parents observe training or not.
The Big 5
Stance | Concentration | Quickness | Balance | Play Hard
Stance: Start with feet pointed straight ahead as wide as the shoulders. Go down bending in knees and not the waist; chest out, back straight, and chin up. Widen your base (two feet) two steps or more. Get your buttocks down, almost as if you are sitting in a chair and the chair is taken away. On offense, the ball goes on the chest, touching it under the chin with elbows out. We play defense with arms out and up, and always flashing in the passing lane.
Concentration: To me, basketball is very serious business. When you step across the line, you must have total concentration for the duration of practice. Athletics takes Concentration – Focus – Execution. Your coach should not have to tell you over and over; Think-Concentrate-Execute. We feel the two most important things in basketball are quickness and balance.
Quickness: Try to think quickly: pass quickly, move quickly and shoot quickly. Outlet pass quickly, dribble quickly and after a while we might become quick. Everything you do, try to do quickly. Do stance and footwork drills daily. CAUTION: Be quick, but don’t be in a hurry. The fine line we call poise is quickly and properly executing the Fundamentals of the Game, while staying on balance. Basketball remains the same at all levels…however, the quickness of the game escalates each level you are involved with.
Balance: Balance is described as the head at the midpoint of the two feet on everything you do. When you run, shoot, dribble, rebound or defend, your head must be in the middle of your feet. If the coach says, “Don’t reach,” he really means, “Don’t let your head get out of the middle of the two feet.” BALANCED PLAYERS PLAY AND UNBALANCED PLAYERS RIDE THE PINE.
Play Hard: The definition of the word ‘hard’ is – your shirt is completely wet, not partially; your gut is pulsating; your breathing is hard – gasping for breath!
This is generally considered to be the simplest shot in basketball, yet also one of the most important. It is used for shooting close to the basket usually after a drive or after a cut to the basket you receive a pass from your teammate.
Jump off the inside foot which is the foot opposite the hand you are shooting with.
You want height, not distance, from your jump.
Good body balance and control are vital for the lay-up.
Hold the ball close to the body away from the defensive player for balance and protection.
Aim for a spot on the backboard keeping both hands on the ball until the shooting hand takes complete control.
The ball should roll off the fingertips with good backspin with your palm toward the basket.
Learn to shoot with either hand.
Work on head and ball fakes before taking the shot. This will cause your defensive man to hesitate at times and gives you time to get the shot away.
Use the backboard when possible for better accuracy.
Concentration – keep your eyes on the target!
This shot is the most popular and effective shot in basketball today. When the jumper is properly mastered, it gives you an added advantage to use against the defense. How can you become an effective shooter? – Practice, Practice, and more Practice.
Balance – feet approximately shoulder-width apart with the knees bent and weight evenly distributed.(The foot on the side of the shooting hand should be slightly in front.)
The ball and elbow should be held close to the body.
The elbow should be in line with the foot, almost directly under the ball and in line with the basket.
Release the ball at the peak of your jumper with arm extended for complete follow-through in which the wrist is snapped and fingers are extended down and out.
Jump straight up – don’t fall away.
After receiving the ball, “square off” to the basket.
Don’t rush or jerk your shot – have rhythm.
Practice makes perfect.
Beginners should practice close to the basket to learn proper technique.
To be an effective shooter you need to develop footwork and body balance for shooting the jump shot in three situations. The basic technique for shooting the jump shot is the same in all situations; however, footwork and body balance may vary with each.
Move to receive the ball within your shooting range.
Face the basket as soon as you receive the ball.
Balance – feet should-width apart, shooting position.
Balance and body control – do not glide.
Break the cut and take the shot while jumping straight up.
After receiving the ball, “square off” to the basket.
When cutting laterally, pivot on the inside foot and bring inside foot around.
Use dribble to get you open and closer to the basket.
Break your drive by planting inside or leading on the leading foot and quickly “square off” facing the basket.
Bring the ball into shooting position as you square off.
Jump straight up from balanced position.
Don’t rush the shot – have rhythm.
Make your last dribble hard so you can pick up the ball quicker and with firmness.
Dribbling is a very important part of basketball and an effective way to advance the ball. It is especially effective for penetrating the defense for a high-percentage shot or creating a play for a teammate. Dribbling is a skill that can, with practice and concentration, be helpful to every player.
Balance with your knees bent and relaxed.
Bend body forward slightly at the waist.
Keep elbows close to the body.
Spread fingers slightly for control.
Flick wrists downward to push the ball.
Use the arm and shoulder for force.
Keep your head up.
Controlling the dribble is used when the player with the ball is closely guarded or dribbling in a congested area. Also when killing time or moving the ball into an attacking and passing position.
Stay low and protect the ball. Keep it close to the body.
Protect the ball with your body and your opposite arm and hand.
Keep the dribble low – the lower you dribble, the harder it is for the defense to knock it away.
The speed dribble is usually used on the fast break or when the dribbler has a clear path to the basket. The quickest way to get the ball up court is with the pass – the next quickest way is with the speed dribble.
Straighten your body position and push the ball out in front with a high bounce.
Run to meet the ball.
Don’t look at the ball – keep your eyes and head up.
The faster you move, the greater the angle of the push.
It is a big advantage when a player is able to dribble well with either hand. You can always protect the ball by keeping your body between a defensive man and the ball. The change of the direction dribble makes a player more deceptive and much harder to guard.
Switch hands and change direction simultaneously.
Move the ball from one hand to the other in a quick, close to the body transfer.
When changing direction, maintain your stride.
Changing the pace is a very effective move to get the defense off balance. By varying the speed from fast-to-slow or slow-to-fast, you can get the defense to stand up or come closer giving you the split-second opportunity to get by.
Maintain your balance – be ready to move.
Keep the ball low – fake with the head and shoulder.
Give the defense a chance to react (pause) then sprint by.
Be quick but don’t get in a hurry.
Cover as large of an area as possible when you come down from your jump with your knees bent, hips relaxed and ball never below the chest area.
Attention Span
Teach why we do particular things
Use mental pictures, analogies and stories to convey or reinforce
Don’t give them too much – “Paralysis from Analysis”
“The more you think the slower your feet get!”
#2: DEMONSTRATION (SHOW THEM HOW!) – Emphasis on Proper Technique
Video (college or pro games)
Patience (smile)
Positive language – “Let’s try it this way now.”
Find something good to say, then correct –
“You’re too good of a player to make that mistake.”
“I saw you do a great job last week. I know you can do better.” -
Antagonize & Positively Influence? Is it possible?
*Great teachers are “Masters of Overkill!”
*Develop good basketball habits
*Chalk & Talk will not get it done
*Repetitive & Competitive Drills
*Teach and Demand!
Put yourself in their position. Observe your team: eyes, body language. Remember what it was like to be their age. Each one is different.
Behavior Modification – Selfish Play (Fire Extinguisher)
Win and lose as a team; no one points a finger!!
Your players must love other players to be good.
Don’t violate the “FIST”!
Language and tone of voice (AVOID SARCASM!)
Everyone must look each other in the eye.
Talk to players individually.Find something good!
Be kind to one another.
Sense of humor.
Learn from failure:Abraham Lincoln – string of failures before becoming greatest President in our nation’s history.
Don’t worry about making mistakes – learn from them.
Embrace the “process”.Control your emotions.
Fully understand what goes into losing.Then we can win!
Adversity – Discouragement – Frustration – Referees – Subs – Injury
Survive thunderbolts!
Modeling is very important because kids will do what you do. Over the long haul, the team will be a reflection of the coach’s personality.
Great teachers make things seem “simple”.
You must have a “PASSION” for teaching. “Be positive.”
Contact Us Today
to take advantage of this rare opportunity to learn in person with one of the top basketball teachers in the country.
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or email us.

The spin dribble or reverse dribble is used when the dribbler is being overplayed on the side of the ball, and if direction was continued in front the defense would have a chance to knock the ball away or force you to pick up your dribble.
Turn your back and pivot away on the foot closest to the defensive man.
Dribble with the SAME hand as you turn.
As you complete the turn, continue the dribble with the OPPOSITE hand.
Keep head up – anticipate another defensive man going for the steal.
Don’t turn the ball over.
Don’t look at the ball.Keep your eyes and head up.
Never waste a dribble and always dribble with a purpose.
Learn to dribble with either hand.
Always protect the ball.
Finger Tip Drill: Ball above head, hold with fingertips; tip back and forth, raise and lower arms while tipping.
Corkscrew: Circle ball around head, mid-section and legs.
Over-Under: Ball in left hand, flip turn hand back towards rear and catch; flip ball over right shoulder and catch in right hand; flip, turn right hand back towards rear and catch; flip ball over left shoulder and catch in left hand.
Over-Under Spin: Same as above, but spin ball forward as you flip the ball up.
Spider Drill: Legs shoulder-width apart, ball in left hand, dribble between feet with left hand then right hand; then dribble with left hand to right hand behind legs; repeat.
Hike Drill: Same as above but flip the ball from left to right in front and left to right in back.
Zig-Zag Drill: Ball between lefts, left hand in front, right hand behind holding ball; drop ball, exchange hands, rotate ball around to position in which you started; repeat.
Rotation: Ball between legs, left hand in front, right hand behind holding ball, drop ball, exchange hands, rotate ball around to position in which you started; repeat.
Figure Eight: Dribble Head up, numerous low dribbles between legs forming a figure eight.
Body Dribbles: Sitting position, dribble around body, raise legs, dribble under to other hand.
Slam Drill: In crouched position, ball held with both hands, bounce ball, bounce ball between legs, catch behind back with both hands.
Front-Back Drill: Same as above but flip ball, do not bounce.
Ricochet Drill: Ball behind head, slam ball between feet, catch behind back; toss up behind head; repeat.
One-Hand Quick Drill: Toss ball up, catch with right hand under right leg; toss ball up and catch with left hand under left leg.
Moon Catch: Toss ball up, catch with hands between legs as ball comes down behind back.
Clap Drills: Ball at chest, drop, touch chest, catch before ball hits floor; ball behind back, drop, clap in front, catch before ball hits floor; ball behind knees, drop, clap hands in front, catch before hall hits floor.
Vertical Hand Circles: Ball in right hand, flip up, pass left hand around ball, catch in left hand; flip ball up, pass right hand around ball, catch in right hand.
Horizontal Hand Circles: Same as above but move hands in horizontal (side to side) as opposed to up and down.
Hike Drill: Assume football center’s position holding the ball; shoot ball through legs; deflect with hands back to front; repeat.
Crab-Dribble: Bounce ball between legs left hand to right hand, right to left in stationary position.
Crab-Dribble Walk: Same as above but move up court in walking manner; go backward and forward.
Crab Drill: In crouch position, pass ball through legs left to right, right to left, and remain in stationary position.
Crab Run: Same as Crab Drill but run up court forward and backward.
Most basketball players, even the ones who usually don’t dribble very much, dribble too much! Drives to the basket which should involve just one explosive dribble are most often made with two or three dribbles – too many to score against a good defensive team. And players stalling or freezing the ball often let themselves be double-teamed or fouled because they want to keep pounding the ball to the court instead of quickly passing the ball off.
For many point guards, the problem is one extra dribble, the failure to pass at the right time because of the desire to show off that dribbling ability one more time. For big men inside, often even one dribble is too many. A move should be able to be made effectively without any dribbles at all, so the defensive guards have no chance of stripping the ball on its way up from the floor.
Analyze YOUR game. Chances are you often take unnecessary dribbles.
Sometimes unnecessary dribbles may not seem as though they hurt you, but they always end up hurting the team. Unnecessary dribbles give opponents extra chances to steal the ball or get into the defensive position they want.
This lack of purposeful activity encourages the offense to stand around instead of developing precision cuts and perfectly-timed passes. Your teammates can not get a feel for when to cut if you are in the habit of taking a few needless dribbles – or even one needless dribble – when you have the ball.
There is an old saying in basketball, “Always precede what you are going to do with a fake.” The fake depends entirely on the individual situation and the ability of the player.
Most often, fakes are carried out with the ball. It can be used to fake a shot before passing, shooting or dribbling.
Good passers use ball fakes to set up their passes so they are not telegraphed.
Eye fakes are used a lot in passing so the defense doesn’t know where the ball is going.
Use the eyes to mislead the defense. Let him think the ball is coming his way. He will then concentrate on him and will not be in position to help out.
While on defense you can fake your eyes so the offensive man thinks you are “asleep”. Then go for the real steal.
Use head, shoulder and body fakes to throw the defense off balance.
Can be used with or without the ball.
Without the ball, the body and head are used to deceive before cutting past he defense.
With the ball, fakes are important when changing direction while dribbling or coming to a quick stop.
The body can be used to fake at the start of a pass, shot or dribble.
Be sure fakes are sharp and quick. Have a purpose.
Mix your fakes up – use a variety of moves.
Don’t over fake – this can take you out of the play.
Protect the ball while faking.
The best fakes are with the body.
Sometimes the best fake is no fake at all!
Many coaches feel this shot is the most important factor in winning any close game. With determination and desire, any player can develop into an effective free throw shooter. The more it is practiced, the better it becomes.
Foot should be comfortably apart. Right foot should be forward for right-handed shooters and in line with the center of the basket. The left foot at a slight angle and a little behind.Knees should be comfortably bent and weight evenly distributed.
Ball should be close to the body and shoulder high. Left hand should be on the side of the ball and slightly under in a position to guide the ball not to shoot it.
Eyes should be on the target and remain on the target, even after the ball is in flight.
Lift the elbow and follow with a push of the forearm. Straightening your legs will give power to the shot. Extend your body on your toes and release the ball – follow through completely as the wrist snaps.
Ball should roll off the fingertips and have backspin.
Have rhythm and smoothness.
Relax and be comfortable.
Develop a routine – do the same thing every time.
When GIVEN a free throw, make it count!
Balance and body control are important to every fundamental skill in basketball. In order to become the shooter, the rebounder, the ball handler and the defensive stopper you want to be, you must first master the art of balance and control.
Establish a proper base by keeping your feet apart – approximately shoulder width.
Head should be kept over the base established by your feet – leaning in any direction causes loss of balance and control.
Hands stay above waist and close to the body – avoid reaching.Spread but relax fingers.
The weight should be well distributed on the forward part of both feet – not on the heels or up on the toes.
Keep chin up to maintain balance and wider range of vision.
Footwork is a very important part of every defensive and offensive move you make. You must develop and master the art of footwork to constantly keep your opponent guessing and off-balance, wondering what you are going to do.
Use your speed properly. Don’t let the defense adjust.
Change your pace – remember you can change your speed quicker than the defense can adjust.
Change direction by faking one way and going another.
For sudden stops, land on both feet at the same time with feet wider than the shoulders, tail low and head up.
Have a purpose in mind – don’t waste energy.
Make quick angle cuts – do not run in arcs and circles.
Practice all types of moves a standing, walking or trotting position.
Work hard to develop a good change of pace and change of direction, both with and without the ball.
Before you can do anything with the basketball, you must learn to receive it properly. If you stop to consider the reasons for many fumbles, you will find that a lot of the players do not know how to catch a ball. Like all skills, it requires practice and concentration.
Watch the ball all the way into your hands.
Try to meet the ball but GIVE with the hands and elbows.
Keep your hands spread and relaxed.
Hold your hands close enough together so a hard pass will not slip through.
Catch the ball with two hands.Sometimes you may have to catch with one hand, but as quickly as possible, bring the other hand to the ball.
Never make a move until the ball is secured in your hands.
Know where the ball is at all times.Always expect a pass.
The best and quickest way to move the basketball is by passing. When your teammate works hard to get open for a shot, he expects to receive the ball. If you can hit the open man, you will be a great asset to your team.
The two-handed chest pass is used to get the ball to a teammate quickly. Usually there won’t be a defender between you and the receiver.
Balance with your feet spread comfortably.
Flex your knees slightly and bend your body forward slightly from the waist to maintain balance.
Spread your fingers wide and hold the ball away from your chest with your hands to the rear of the ball, your elbows bent and angled out.
The ball can be cushioned against the pads of your hands, but the fingers will do most of the work.
As you pass, stride forward and snap the ball forward with a snap of the elbows and wrist.
Release the ball close to your body when your motion has reached its full force.
Follow through with your hands in the direction of your pass.
At the completion, your thumbs will be down.
Aim for your receiver’s chest.
Make the pass with reverse spin to make it easier for the receiver to handle.
**The same principles apply for the one-handed chest pass.
The bounce pass, which also can be thrown either one- or two-handed, is effective when there is a defender between the passer and the receiver. Excellent pass to use in traffic because it is much harder to pick off or deflect than the chest pass.
This pass is executed similarly to the two-handed chest pass except the arms and hands are thrust downward.
Bounce the ball approximately two-thirds of the way from passer to receiver.
Push the ball hard to the floor so it will lose some momentum from hitting the floor.
Put reverse spin on the pass to make it easier to handle.
The ball should be received about waist high.
The overhead pass is a pass used to throw over a guarding defensive player. The pass is not a fast pass, but can be caught easily and thrown accurately. Often used to feed the pivot or a cutter.
Hold the ball high above the head with hands on the side of the ball.
The elbows should be out and the arms three-quarters extended.
Snap the wrist down with the palms and hand following through in a downward position.
Pass is quick but not too hard.
Hit the target that the receiver gives:either the chest / head area or away from the defense.
The baseball pass is a great pass to throw when needing to cover a long distance in a hurry. This pass looks to be simple, but actually is the hardest of the passes to throw. With practice, it can become a very accurate and effective pass.
Take a step in the direction of the pass with the opposite foot forward from the throwing hand.
Keep the hands behind the ball, but slightly toward the outside. The non-throwing hand should be in front of the ball for balance.
Bring the ball back, keeping the throwing elbow bent.
The ball is brought up and over (similar to the overhand baseball throw).
Let the weight shift from the rear to the forward leg.
The wrist must snap so the ball comes directly off your finger tips preventing a side spin and a curve.
Raise the ball high enough so the motion is straight ahead and the back spin carries the ball straight.
Pass the ball quickly.It should be crisp, but not too hard nor too soft.
Have good vision.Keep your head up – be aware of the defense.
Don’t telegraph the pass. Fake your passes.
Pass the ball, don’t hold it.
After making the pass, be ready to move quickly. Don’t stand around.
Don’t force the ball.Careless passes cause turnovers.
Know where the open man is or will be so that you can get the ball to him.​
A player who is not a great shooter can make a place for himself by becoming a defensive specialist. Many players fail because they are not good, all-around players and often because they do not play defense.
Feet shoulder-width apart and one foot slightly ahead of the other in a heal-to-toe relationship (staggered stance).
Knees bent and tail down.
Back straight but not stiff.
Head and eyes should be up.
Three basic positions:
Palms facing up outside your knee, looking at the ball outside in.
One hand up, palm toward the shooter’s face, other hand palm up outside your knee flicking at the dribbler. The hand toward the shooter’s face will be determined by which foot is forward in your staggered stance.If left foot is forward, then left hand would be up and vice versa.
Palms at waist-level, fingertips pointing up. This enables you to react quickly to the jump shot or the dribble with either hand and gives perfect balance.
Never relax defensively. When your opponent doesn’t have the ball, be alert and ready to help or adjust your positioning.
With proper concentration and effort, you should never have a bad night defensively.
Learn to control your opponent defensively. Pay attention to the scouting report. Know which way he likes to go before shooting. Some players like to go to their weak hand before shooting. Know your opponent’s habits. Force someone bringing the ball up court to dribble with his weak hand first.
Stay low and have active, but not reaching, hands.
Develop a positive defensive attitude. Have confidence and pride in your ability to shut someone down.
Develop your peripheral vision so you can see your opponent and still be ready to help a teammate.
Be aggressive. Make something happen defensively. Anticipate at all times.
Keep your head level, don’t bob up and down.
Don’t allow your feet to come together or cross.
Drop step defensively when someone executes a behind-the-back dribble or reverse dribble.
Close up the distance on a crossover dribble, keep your hands low.
Concentrate on making a quick transition from offense to defense.
Do not rush a player who has the ball and has not used his dribble; be sure you contain him first.
Know where the passing lanes are and always be anticipating.
Force your man to take the low percentage shot.
Any loose ball is ours! The aggressive hustling heat that isn’t afraid to mix it up will pick up the majority of the loose balls.
Always be ready to take a charge. Taking a charge can create a four-point swing in a game. It can generate a great deal of momentum for the team.
The player who is an excellent rebounder is an asset to any team, yet rebounding is a skill which many players do not give much attention. To become a good rebounder, you must assume EVERY shot will be missed. Winning teams usually control the rebounds.
Stance – Feet should be shoulder-width and parallel.
Knees should be bent and legs flexed to insure freedom of movement.The weight of the body should be on the balls of the feet.
The hips should be lowered, bringing the body into a semi-crouched position.There should be a slight lean forward in the direction of the basket.
The elbows should be out and away from the body, freeing the arms to move quickly and liberally in any direction.
The hands should be fully open and the fingers spread apart, pointing upward in the direction of the basket.The hands should be relaxed, flexible and above the shoulder.
The eyes should be following the ball but also covering a broader visual span, giving you the awareness of position and player movements.
The body should be balanced, allowing for quick and easy movements in any direction.Weight should be equally distributed on both feet and you should be standing on your toes.
Position is the most important consideration.
Be determined to get the ball. Aggressive!
Time your rebound and EXPLODE reaching the ball at the peak of your jump, with your arms fully extended.
Grab the ball with two hands.Never rebound the ball with one hand if it can be done with two.
Bring the ball down quickly with the elbows out and away from the body.
Cover as large of an area as possible when you come down from your jump with your knees bent, hips relaxed and ball never below the chest area.​​